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Friday, November 26, 2010

Blob Civilization


Check out a fun to play game where you get to do whatever you want with you create little creatures.

Ever have those days where you just wanna scream? Ever feel like putting all your wrath onto cute little slimy organisms with no form of defense whatsoever? No? Well then, you don't know how fun it is!

This is your chance to become God - little creatures you can create, destroy, and bring back at your will - and all the ways you can wreak havoc on them! Do whatever your heart desires - wrench forward time so your blobs turn to dust with age, create tornadoes to send them flying into space, or even create swarms of killer bees - anyone up for nuclear bombs?

· OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

Disclaimer: All of the software reviewed here are a free or shareware that refer to term of service, for further information please contact us

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