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Monday, October 18, 2010

Multiple BMP to PDF

Sofware Category: Business_Application

Multiple BMP to PDF converting BMP to PDF software is a simple, desktop utility program that converts your images, scan, screenshots, pictures, photos, drawings, faxes, snaps, stills, photographs and graphic into PDF documents. BMP to PDF Converter software offers an optimized application to convert multiple BMP image files into PDF documents with quality conversion. BMP to PDF tool is designed to transform number of images, photos or pictures into multipage PDF documents. Proficient to transform numerous BMP files into PDF documents. Batch bitmap to PDF conversion tool combine import add bitmap pictures to Adobe Acrobat PDFs. BMP into PDF is newest and smart product and tools that converting bitmap snaps drawing snapshot into PDF acrobat files at the best performance. BITMAP to PDF Convertor is windows utilities that quickly converting multiple bitmap format images into PDF document.

BMP To PDF Features:

* BMP to PDF support merges several image files into a single PDF file during batch converting, or converts each image file into individual PDF file.
* Successfully runs on both 32 bit and 64 bit system.
* BMP to PDF supports high compression during bitmap to PDF conversion.
* BMP to PDF converter tool combines a variety of bitmap into one PDF file.
* BMP to PDF conversion software converting bitmap image formats.
* BMP to PDF support Win98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7 platforms.
* BMP to PDF support single file processing, single directory processing, multi-level directory processing and many others.
* BMP to PDF support specify any resolution in the generated PDF file.
* BMP to PDF support password protection for PDF files with 40 or 128 bit encryption.
* BMP to PDF support merge several image files into a single PDF file during batch converting, or convert each image file into individual PDF file
* Set password and properties to output PDF file.

Disclaimer: All of the software reviewed are a free or shareware that refer to term of service, for further information please contact us

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