Sofware Category: Business_Accounting Tools
Best Accounting Basic, based on Best CashBook, gives all financial statements plus sale, purchase, inventory, customer, supplier and VAT(or sales tax) reporting. It can be utilized in any countries and any languages with only this English release because you can directly shape all financial statements and invoices as well as directly shape VAT types to retrieve various VAT(or sales tax) reports as you want.
1.Internal capacity was upgraded to accommodate up to mid-size businesses.
2.easy entry : You can make entries in a book by simple data-input and enter-key, watching how the book reflects your entries.
3.easy journalizing : It makes journalizing easy to popup an accounts list if necessary.
4.easy revision : Always able to revise current and prior amounts. closing : All entries are automatically processed for financial statements.
6.efficient treatment of sales (or purchases) : One entry enables treating sale(purchase), inventory, gross margin, customer( supplier), and VAT at once.
7. Users can directly create necessary subsidiary ledgers as you want
8.print general voucher, invoice, receipt, estimate.
9.statement for depreciable assets, depreciation table.
10.income statement by month, by goods
11.powerfulness to treat returns, discounts and transfer on goods
12.Incidental costs can be included in acquisition cost in purchase book.
Method of installation:
1.To install or execute in windows 7 or vista, right click and "Run as administrator"
2.If OS is win98 or less, mdac_typ.exe must be installed together.
Note: Though this program is shareware, anyone can get a key for free now.
Disclaimer: All of the software reviewed are a free or shareware that refer to term of service, for further information please contact us
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